The way that I interpret it, OP’s girlfriend was simply being hyperbolic. I don’t think that she’s genuinely asking OP to kill her hypothetical kidnappers; specially given that, as OP mentioned, they live in a safe place.
Instead I think that she simply wants to be reassured that OP cares about her and her security. And then started playing around with the “but what about our cat?” thing because come on, if you’re thinking on outrageous scenarios, might as well think on them properly! 8 months ago
Context: I got the text but that the time, she didn’t know when she’d get home so I was waiting on a follow up test with the time she’d be home (again, my bad for not making sure I can hear them), and we live in Taiwan, where even robbery is rare. 8 months ago
So you’re saying it is pretty irrational for her to be so extremely worried about being kidnapped? Is she a very anxious and nervous person? It sounds like she was dropped off very close to home. Is she one to turn nothing into something like this? From an outside perspective, her reaction seems way out of line. 8 months ago
She’s not normally like this, and yes Ubers usually drop people off right at the entrance of our apartment. Aside from Uber, she would also take the bus or train into the city, both of which requre a five minutes walk through our neighborhood which she has no problem doing. 8 months ago
Since she’s not normally like this, you really need to talk to her to figure out what exactly happened that set off this series of events. 8 months ago
If there’s no situational cause for this change in behavior, there’s a chance she’s experiencing paranoia from an undiagnosed mental health condition. Look up the signs of mania (bipolar disorder), borderline personality disorder, and schizophrenia. If it looks like it might be one of those then you need consult professionals and family because it’s not something you’re going to be able to help her with on your own with advice from Internet strangers.
Take care of yourself, of she continues to behave abusively you need to get away whether this behavior comes from untreated illness or not.