Comment on Archer new what he was doing 8 months ago
I think it’s a stretch to interpret it as petty when it probably just gave Trip a bit of focus and let his 8 year old nephew shout like “that’s my uncle!” or something. Real life astronauts get asked these questions all the time and they’re practically deified in our culture. 8 months ago
Yeah, I agree, the OPs reaction here is kinda surreal. I mean, I grew up watching astronauts answer dumb kiddy questions while floating in zero G. When the shuttle was regularly going up in was a regular thing for kids to see on TV. There was ALWAYS a poop/pee/fart question. ALWAYS. This joke in Enterprise is nothing more than a nod to that. I guess Gen Z didn’t pay as much attention to space because the shuttle program ended before their time? 8 months ago
I love that one of the enduring aspects of human nature is that each generation wants broad strokes paint the ones that follows them as lazy, incurious dolts who will lead to the downfall of civilization. Gen Z is getting the brunt of it now, but it wasn’t too long ago that op eds were written blaming Millennials for “killing” everything from golf, to wine, to napkins, to basic curtesy. We can go all the way back to Plato, disparaging the youths of ancient Greece for sagging their togas, and spending all their time looking at tablature as opposed to having real conversations. And, of course, my generation also got its fair share before we all turned into the cranky old men shaking our fists at clouds in between writing those op eds. 8 months ago
I didn’t blame anyone for anything except maybe not seeing astronauts getting asked about poop all the time. You specifically are being a troll and generating some fucking weird rage bait where there is none. 8 months ago
Please explain what it is about my post you think is trolling.