Comment on Where should I ask for help deleting an account for a Japanese website? 8 months ago
You could try looking for 消去 but I didn't see anything with a google site search. I'm not going to visit the actual site.
Comment on Where should I ask for help deleting an account for a Japanese website? 8 months ago
You could try looking for 消去 but I didn't see anything with a google site search. I'm not going to visit the actual site. 8 months ago
What is 消去? DeepL translate says it means “Elimination”. I’m not sure what you want me to do with this. 8 months ago
It can mean delete in some contexts. 8 months ago
Oh ok, thanks. Not sure why some people are downvoting me for not knowing Japanese though. I’ll try to see if I can find those symbols on the site, but so far the furthest account option I’ve been able to find is to change the password. 8 months ago
I didn't see it in the search. They may use other terms like 閉める or something, but we have no legal requirement here that I know of to allow for account deletion. No company I worked for did until we wanted to do business where things like GDPR (I think it's called) is a thing.