It doesn’t make sense which is why people believe Google has ulterior motives. I haven’t seen any real reason not to use jxl as the new format; but I also haven’t looked that far into it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If Google wants to push webp because it is smaller than previous formats, and jxl is even smaller than that, why would Google have an interst in blocking jxl?
Not saying Google did not or does not block jxl, just you chain of logic as to why they do that does not make sense to me. 8 months ago 8 months ago
JXL is new (like 2 years old), webp is older (> 10 years). Adding support for a thing takes time and resources, which is lower priority when there are good-enough formats already supported.
At least that’s my perspective as someone who interacts with product owners (i.e. the type of people deciding what features get prioritized). 8 months ago
Because it’s not theirs