By comparing it to the original work.
Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months agocode generated by an AI is arguably not a “substantial portion” of the software
How do you verify that though?
And does the model need to include all of the licenses? Surely the “all copies or substantial portions” would apply to LLMs, since they literally include the source in the model as a derivative work. That’s fine if it’s for personal use (fair use laws apply), but if you’re going to distribute it (e.g. as a centralized LLM), then you need to be very careful about how licenses are used, applied, and distributed.
So I absolutely do believe that building a broadly used model is a violation of copyright, and that’s true whether it’s under an open source license or not. 8 months ago 8 months ago
And how will you know what original work(s) to compare it to? 8 months ago
How do you know anything about anything an LLM generates? Presumably if you’re the author you would recognize your own work? 8 months ago
I’m not going to be monitoring Chinese code projects. They don’t seem to care much about copyright, so they’ll probably just yoink the code into proprietary projects and not care about the licenses.
What am I going to do, sue someone in China? 8 months ago
I agree with you, and don’t really have any answers :)