Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago
They should definitely respect the licenses, that being said, Microsoft owns GitHub and can be a bit quick in what they ban. It also means they are beholden to US laws, which could turn anti FOSS-AI in the near future.
This is a smart move and I honestly hope more countries start doing it. It would probably lead to a better ecosystem. 8 months ago
I think projects like this are good, but I really don’t want governments to create their own version of XYZ for the sake of creating clones of XYZ. I’m scared that all this will do is fragment an almost-universal collection of open-source projects into regional variants for no real reason. 8 months ago
“Governments” arent doing this. Its some company 8 months ago
In China, they’re the same picture. 8 months ago
Hey look, more crazy postings