Comment on Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough 8 months agoBUT BUT you’ll get 5% fasTEr SpeED!!! And MOrE seCuRiTy!!!
Comment on Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough 8 months agoBUT BUT you’ll get 5% fasTEr SpeED!!! And MOrE seCuRiTy!!! 8 months ago
Well. The claim they made still holds true, despit how I dislike this design choice. It is faster, and more secure (though attacks on NAND chips are hard and require high skill levels that most attacker won’t posses).
And add one more: it saves power when using LPDDR5 rather DDR5. To a laptop that battery life matters a lot, I agree that’s important. However, I have no idea how much standby or active time it gain by using LPDDR5.