Not a lawyer, but there are lots of intricacies to this. You can own a trademark without having it be a registered trademark. Registration is expensive and then you are expected to actively defend use of your trademark. Be prepared to pay lawyers to send cease-and-desist letters to parties using your trademark for financial profit. Not to mention you have to be/become a business engaging in interstate commerce using this trademark. 7 months ago
So I can register the name for my business name? 7 months ago
Not a lawyer, but there are lots of intricacies to this. You can own a trademark without having it be a registered trademark. Registration is expensive and then you are expected to actively defend use of your trademark. Be prepared to pay lawyers to send cease-and-desist letters to parties using your trademark for financial profit. Not to mention you have to be/become a business engaging in interstate commerce using this trademark.…/how-much-does-it-cost 7 months ago
Oh shoot, yeah I don’t have the money for that lol I’m just a small computer store. Thank you and everyone else for the advice!