Because there is a difference in kind between questions like ‘How long do I boil an egg for?’ or ‘What things should I do around the house to keep it well maintained?’ and your question of ‘If I do this dumbass childish thing, will the cops come after me?’
Comment on is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit? 8 months ago
why did people downvote this? i thought this community was “no stupid questions” not “we’re all better than you because you’re question sucks and your stupid” 8 months ago 8 months ago
Did you meant to post to /noonedownvoteme instead?
Like, people answered yout question, what more did you want? A gold star? 8 months ago
yes please 8 months ago
This community urgently needs to be hosted on an instance without downvotes. Maybe there’s one somewhere. you like migrating comunities to better places so maybe you could look into that. I don’t mind featuring the alternative community above this one when I implement discussion section in the directory. 8 months ago
no! downvotes are cool
but only when they happen to others 8 months ago
From what I understand that wouldn’t really help. If you don’t to see downvotes you have to move your account to an instance with downvotes disabled. 8 months ago
I also made this comment before I realised what the OP was trying to achieve. I thought he was downvoted because he asked “stupid” question as I was barely awake at this point. Haha
I still think some communities would benefit from disabling them though. But as you say there probably isn’t a way to achieve that with current lemmy. 8 months ago
I think most people here have went through the 5 stages of grief. And at this point they don’t care anymore. At least not to the degree they used to. It’s been a year. Life goes on. Don’t waste your time on being negative and spamming someone who once let you down. Look forward and spend your time on something useful. At leas that’s my opinion.