What’s the issue with Dell? Everyone I know at work with Dell laptops likes them. I’ve used XPS 15 and 13 in the past and they’ve been generally fine. Battery life sucked but I haven’t ever seen an x86 laptop with what I would consider good battery life.
Comment on Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
cm0002@lemmy.world 8 months agoWhen I got hired at my job where I could write and dictate policy, the first thing I did was write up a new IT Purchasing Policy with a “Banned Manufacturers” section right up top with HP right at #1 and Dell at #2
bamboo@lemm.ee 8 months ago
residentmarchant@lemmy.world 8 months ago
What did you prefer? Lenovo?
Ackward@lemmy.world 8 months ago
MacBook pros!