I remember seeing these Costco tubes as a kid in the 90s. Thought it was the coolest fucking thing, the vertical pipe going up from each cashier and making a maze of pipes all heading somewhere on the ceiling
Comment on The return of pneumatic tubes
fubarx@lemmy.ml 8 months ago
Some Costcos still have them. Used to send checks and cash to the back office once they hit a limit. Guessing not so much any more.
crystalmerchant@lemmy.world 8 months ago
macrocephalic@lemmy.world 8 months ago
We used to use them for the same thing in Kmart (Australia) when I worked there 20 years ago. They were used to clear the float so you didn’t have too much cash in the register. Now that 90% of transactions are on card I bet they don’t use them anymore.