Comment on South Australia to legislate 'world leading' electoral donation ban prohibiting donations and gifts to political parties, backed by tough penalties for those who seek to circumvent the law ⁨3⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

It won’t halt all monied influences, lobbyists won’t be hit by this it seems, (its complicated to hit the bad lobbyists without hurting the good), corruption will crop up, but its a great reform nonetheless.

What i think it will do best is reset the tone from monied interests walking honourably through the front door, to sneaking guiltily in the metaphorical back. The reputational risk increases the costs for business people being seen to be influencing politics too much.

Bonus the lack of funding might reduce the amount of scare campaigns and political slinging matches due to the campaigns needing to attend to their own platform messages in a campaign rather than their opponents. Of course there’ll always be the outlying elections where the opposition can get away with virtually no platform.

Exciting news!
