Comment on Would any of you be interested in a semi-curated NixOS config? 9 months agoI’m still conflicted a bit if maybe the new wiki would be a better place. My Github project is (to a casual googler) just some random bloke on the internet dumping some files, while the wiki is at least somewhat curated and official.
Doing both would be the best, obviously, but I’m also struggling with adulting, so I don’t have that much time on my hands. 9 months ago
Hmm. There is value in both. When I started out with NixOS I read lots of wiki articles. And we all know there is some room for improvement. And I also read several configs of other people to see how things tie together. And to look up things that aren’t documented. Nowadays I just put in what I’m looking for and “language:nix” into Github. So there’s lots of personal configs that turn up. Sometimes with useful stuff. So I think anything is better than nothing. But obviously if you have kids, prefer them and let other people come up with the detailed wiki articles 😆