The internet loves cats. People also only care about the environment for as long as it has nothing to do with their personal life. That’s why everyone gets very upset when it’s suggested that they need to drive less or reduce their meat consumption. I have frequently seen fatalist comments here suggesting we shouldn’t change our lifestyles at all because anthropogenic global warming is primarily being driven by big companies and we are therefore freed of any responsibility as individuals. 9 months ago
Plane travel i think is Australian’s biggest problem on this. I once had a friend spitting daggers at me for suggesting the amount of waste caused by travelling to a place like Europe every year needs to be stopped (read: trips spaced out further) until we access a different less carbon intensive transport.
I thought the point i’s making was really, really moderate considering the impacts, but my friend turned on me like i’d just insulted their mothers favourite budgie.
It was a surreal moment. 9 months ago
Must be nice to have the means to travel to Europe every year lol 9 months ago
Haha, i might have been embellished that a bit.