You forgot the parts where he drove an APC through the wrong guy’s house, and also the part about the sex slave that escaped from his house.
Comment on I don't know which one of you needed this information, but you're welcome. 9 months ago
Context: In addition to all the other lies he’s told about his mythology (CIA asset, martial arts trained, whatever), he’s also 120% Jamaican. If you add that up with all his other bogus claims about racial heritage, the man is over 1000% human. So of course he’s able to do almost anything and super cool. Plus he shot a dog on that show where he played law enforcement, which is about the coolest thing anyone’s done.
He’s basically a god. 9 months ago 9 months ago
A+ vice-presidential material right there. 9 months ago
Delete this. Everyone who read it: drink to forget. Captain’s orders. 9 months ago
Aye aye, Captain! 🫡