I’d automatically assume it’s a scam, spam, or both.
The email linked to the blog. The question was asked at the end of the blog.
Even if a panacea type microbiome WAS discord, it won’t cure everything. Cancer is one immediate example.
You may be interested in humanmicrobiome.info/cancer/.
It already would be impossible for it to prevent many diseases. Viruses for example that enter through the sinuses, or again, cancers caused by viruses. Heck even then something like norovirus would still wreck you too.
This is not correct. Not everyone gets sick from x virus. The primary reason is differences in their immune system and gut microbiome. Some relevant links for you:
- humanmicrobiome.info/immune-system/
- humanmicrobiome.info/intestinal-permeability/
- humanmicrobiome.info/systemic/
- humanmicrobiome.info/translocation/
This sounds more like someone who knows some knowledge but isn’t an actual expert in it
No offense, but that describes your comment. The blog should absolutely not sound like that given that it provides citations for its claims.
Not to mention it’s a big ask to strangers who probably don’t even know what a microbiome is.
The 1.2 million people who were sent the email & blog are people who are already familiar with the humanmicrobes.org project. Many of them hold advanced medical & biology degrees.
I agree though that many people are still not familiar with the gut microbiome and FMT. Do you have any suggestion in this regard?
Lumisal@lemmy.world 9 months ago
I explained the other reasons, but a link doesn’t help. Phishing is one big reason.
However later in your comment you mention the email was sent to people in a mailing list, which I’m assuming means they voluntarily enrolled.
In that case, it goes back to messaging. It still sounds like a scam. That’s still the core issue in all this: how your message is presented.
I’m already knowledgeable on study of the human microbiome. That’s why I’m commenting on here. Having a “perfect” biome still wouldn’t prevent all cancers. Non-Hodgekins POST lymphoma for example. Rare, yes, but still thousands of people. And when you count all rare and unusual cancers it’s still millions. And there’s still no good evidence that the perfect biome would stop an existing cancer.
Speaking of, it also wouldn’t help anyone with an organ transplant either. You’d still need immunosuppressants (or the newer drug class, immuneobliviants) which would still affect the biome. At least until compatible organs can be lab grown.
There is evidence that it would immensely help with preventing nearly all human-cell borne cancers however, and in my opinion, THAT’S something your messaging should focus strongly on. Having a proven potential to stop a majority of cancers is still huge, and to the less knowledgeable person, sounds much more realistic and obtainable.
Ah but see you’re admitting people still will get sick with currently incurable diseases. That’s what I meant about your messaging being flawed - you’re touting this as a cure all, when really it’s a mass preventative (which again, is still extremely important and something really big).
MaximilianKohler@lemmy.world 9 months ago
FMT may negate the need for most organ transplants. Eg:
Human Microbes doesn’t do any specific messaging/advertising. Just the website where it covers the gut microbiome regulating the entire body and playing a major role in virtually every aspect of health & development. I would think that narrowing the focus to one type of cancer for example would be detrimental.
I think the potential for both prevention and treatment exists for most conditions that are currently beyond medical capabilities. And there is a ton of evidence for this in the wiki I shared. Sure, there are some things that FMT won’t be a solution to of course.
Lumisal@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Again, preventative care. Which in my opinion is equally if not more important than curing existing illness too. A perfect microbiome will not regrow an already permanently damaged organ, which is why transplants are done. Trust me, there’s not enough organs (due to various reasons, not because of a lack) to give everyone a transplant, and bacteria are not a panacea. I’m trying to make you realize that it you keep speaking of it as if it is, with only a single biased source, while not admitting the limitations, hurts such a cause greatly.
I think you misunderstood. Human-cell borne cancers mean all cancers that happen through natural cellular damage, degeneration, and other immuno-failing reasons.
Basically all cancers not caused by virii, environmental damage/injury, etc.
Which is the majority of cancers.
Correlation does not equal causation. There is statistically significant evidence that there’s a lot of potential here, but there is yet to be solid evidence that this actually treats most conditions. There hasn’t been anywhere NEAR enough research to even make such a claim.
MaximilianKohler@lemmy.world 9 months ago
I think there may be a misunderstanding there. I certainly recognize that FMT and the gut microbiome have limitations.
That’s all I’ve said as well.
Anyway, you seem to think that FMT’s potential to treat/prevent most types of cancer is something that should be emphasized more. If you have specific suggestions I’m happy to hear them.