They can also point out code violations (and I’m not sure how expensive that can get… they may mandate you fix it
That’s a reason not to get it tho…
My Mom sold without an inspection because of little things like putting a ceiling fan on a dimmer to control the speed of the fan.
Everything was done by licensed contractors, just small town bullshit where people do what they want. Especially when a house hasn’t been sold for 50 years, small stuff like that adds up until a sale happens.
Could she have updated everything that was like that before the sale? Sure, but it would have been a huge hassle and in today’s market she could just sell “as is” with no hit to price.
Now, as a buyer would I trust a seller I didn’t know?
Fuck no.
But I grew up in that house, I know what happened. 9 months ago
First off… depending on how the dimmer switch controls speed, that could be a great way to burn out a fan- most switches are for lights and adjust voltage. Fan motors expect a certain voltage and instead use amperage to adjust speed.
That’s why typical dimmer switches violate code.
It’s not something virtually any inspector is going to gig you harshly on (compared to say a severe gas leak.)
It’d also something you’re going to want to know about if you ever have to remodel or potentially sell.
As a seller, there are usually mandatory disclosure laws. Failing to disclose something that’s found after they move in- even in “as is”‘contracts can potentially lead to massive legal costs. The kind that, even if you win, you still lose.
But the OP’s perspective is as a buyer, not a seller and the games you’re talking about playing… yeah. That’s exactly why buyers should always make it contingent on inspection. 9 months ago
Oh yeah, because one thing everyone agrees on is it’s a “buyers market”…
Plenty of affordable homes are available these days! That’s why people have so much time to decide before a bank puts a cash offer in!
Get out of here with that “advice” that’s 20 years out of date. I’m sure when you bought your house in the 1980s it was important, but not anymore.
But thanks for pointing out that you think all this stuff is the same everywhere and not varies by state, some people might have accidentally listened to anything else you had to say if you had left that off. 9 months ago
It’s funny. You skipped to the end without reading the bit about legal liability on a seller…a point I wouldn’t have made if I didn’t read your comment.
Yet here you are pissed enough to block me…. /sigh.