It does require fact-checking. You might ask a human and get someone with 10 fingers on one hand, you might ask people in the background and get blobs merged on each other. The fact check in images is absolutely necessary and consists of verifying that the generate image adheres to your prompt and that the objects in it match their intended real counterparts.
I do agree that it’s a different type of fact checking, but that’s because an image is not inherently correct or wrong, it only is if compared to your prompt and (where applicable) to reality. 9 months ago
The biggest disappointment in the image generation capabilities was the realisation that there is no object permanence there in terms of components making up an image so for any specificity you’re just playing whackamole with iterations that introduce other undesirable shit no matter how specific you make your prompts.
They are also now heavily nerfing the models to avoid lawsuits by just ignoring anything relating to specific styles that may be considered trademarks, problem is those are often industry jargon so now you’re having to craft more convoluted prompts and get more mid results.