Comment on Dangerous? Signal Blasts Google Effort to Use AI to Scan for Scam Phone Calls ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

One of the things they glided around was whether a lot of this on-device stuff needs a special processor chip with AI+security to work?

The Pixel phones (especially newer ones) made by Google have them, but the vast majority of Android phones don’t.

So either these features only work on latest Google phones (which will piss off licensees and partners), or they’re using plain old CPU/GPUs to do this sort of detection, in which case it will be sniffable by malicious third-parties.

And let’s not forget that if the phone can listen to your conversation to detect malicious intent, any country can legally compel Google to provide them with the data by claiming it is part of a law-enforcement investigation.

Things are going to get spicy in Android-land.
