It started as a prank, but now fascists unironically use the ok sign.
It’s a dog whistle. They use something innocent to signal to others in their ingroup, and call people stupid when they call them out on it.
It started as a prank, but now fascists unironically use the ok sign.
It’s a dog whistle. They use something innocent to signal to others in their ingroup, and call people stupid when they call them out on it. 9 months ago
That’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. They only use it because CNN and the ADL wouldn’t backtrack, this giving their claims validity after the fact.
We, the public, can stop that bullshit in it’s tracks by rejecting the whole premise and insisting on the actual, innocent meaning of the gesture. 9 months ago
That’s like complaining that 12 year-olds drive language evolution. Yeah its obviously stupid to anyone who follows the process, but it’s still the process. 9 months ago
Enough is enough. Letting neo Nazis dictate how we behave gives them power. I, for one, refuse to do that.