Thank you, I was wondering, what that stuff was
Comment on Problems with creating my own instance 9 months ago
I’m not a pro at Docker, but I’ve spun up over 30 different services using Docker Compose so I’m more than a novice. I would say that Lemmy’s documentation is the worst I’ve ever seen.
The website points you at that compose file which is (I think?) designed for Ansible. I think there’s another example somewhere without all the jibbery joo, but I can’t search for it right now. 9 months ago 9 months ago
If you use that docker compose file, I recommend you comment out the build section and uncomment the image section in the
service.I also recommend you use a reverse proxy and Docker networks rather than exposing the postgres instance on port 5433, but if you aren’t familiar with Docker networks you can leave it as is for now. If you’re running locally and don’t open that port in your router’s firewall, it’s a non-issue unless there’s an attacker on your LAN, but given that you’re not gaining anything from exposing it (unless you need to connect to the DB directly regularly - as a one off you could temporarily add the port mapping), it doesn’t make sense to increase your attack surface for no benefit. 9 months ago
I just updated my comment above with more info, FYI. 9 months ago
If memory serves, the default docker compose expose the database port with a basic hard coded password, too. So imagine using the compose without reading too much, next thing you know you’re running a free Postgres database for the world.