This is a good idea. I’m not sure what the scene is like in Manchester UK for hip-hop but there must be more than when I was a young un. 8 months ago
Sign up for email lists to smaller venues (<1000 capacity) and check out the bands getting booked. Also, sign up for record label mailings, indie labels tend to have bands with similar vibes. Spotify and algorithm recs are not the way to go 8 months ago 8 months ago
Yes! This is what I was thinking. You’ll have a finger on the culture and be more into it than most without having to pay Taylor Swift prices for everything.
If you live in a decent sized city go see the up and coming acts at the bar venues before they hit stadium appeal. The rest will come through the grapevine. Like who gives a shit about what Drake is doing and I say this as someone who knows Toronto inside out. 8 months ago
I live in a major city so I have many choices, but realistically it works for any nearby city with hip smaller bands that you like. Not everything is great but it’s pretty easy to dial in your tastes by venue and labels. If you aren’t getting enough to check with that, just add another city’s venues. See who’s playing & check them out on bandcamp/youtube/etc…then go see them live