New Vegas is easily the best Fallout.
4 is a beautiful game. But they’ve dumbed down the entire R aspect of the RPG. Dialog in 4 is a joke.
Comment on 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4 9 months agoWhat’s the best fallout game? I played 3 many years ago around the time out and I enjoyed it. Thinking of playing another one now
New Vegas is easily the best Fallout.
4 is a beautiful game. But they’ve dumbed down the entire R aspect of the RPG. Dialog in 4 is a joke.
I don’t agree with the people who bash Fallout 4, but it’s true that it does have annoyances not present in the previous title…but every title in the series has that. The dialog system was changed in a very unpopular way, and the plot interactions based on the player’s actions were much less complicated than in Fallout: New Vegas.
I think that at the time of their release, either Fallout: New Vegas or maybe Fallout were best, just in terms of how they compared to other things at the time.
If I were going to recommend that someone play just one Fallout game in 2024, though, it’d be Fallout 4, as the other games are getting pretty long in the tooth. Also, more modding work has been done for Fallout 4 (though there are some impressive mods for earlier entries, like Tale of Two Wastelands, which basically imports Fallout 3 into Fallout: New Vegas and makes them one game).
The legendary system isn’t transplanted from Elder Scrolls, is it?
Unless you’re saying legendary weapons = enchanted weapons I have no clue what you mean. If that is what you mean, that’s a weird take but I guess I see it.
Also it’s your take on the world feeling more large scale and alive is extremely interesting because I would’ve said the direct opposite. Fallout 4 feels incredibly dead to me. There’s enemies, sure, but they don’t exist past being targets for me to destroy so that I can loot them and whatever structure they’re functionally just guarding. I can’t really influence most of them past killing them and putting the Minutemen there instead. Fallout 4 feels too much like I was dropped in a sandbox.
Fallout 4 is a good game. I’d go as far as to call it great if you just ignore that there’s a main story. It feels like the devs wanted to make a looter shooter, but they got told they had to make a Fallout game with RPG mechanics. So they absolutely half-assed all the RPG parts.
The legendary system isn’t transplanted from Elder Scrolls, is it?
I thought that Skyrim had legendaries, but apparently I misremembered. It’s got weapons with attributes – like, you can get a weapon that causes additional fire damage – but those apparently are the same as the weapon enchantment system, not distinct from it.
There’s enemies, sure, but they don’t exist past being targets for me to destroy so that I can loot them and whatever structure they’re functionally just guarding. I can’t really influence most of them past killing them and putting the Minutemen there instead.
That’s pretty true of Fallout 3 or New Vegas too, yes? I mean, a deathclaw is a deathclaw.
Yeah, that’s the part that confused me. Skyrim’s enchantment system is just it’s enchantment system. It’s not as… exclusive as Fallout 4’s legendary system. I think that’s what makes it distinct in my mind. I definitely see what you mean.
a deathclaw is a deathclaw.
Fallout 3, sure, but with New Vegas? Not really. There’s plenty of places you can go and then decide whether you’re making friends or enemies. You can interact with them, and then decide if you want them dead or not. There’s definitely some places where- like you said- a deathclaw is a deathclaw, but there’s also plenty of exceptions.
Very interesting response. Thanks for taking the time to write it out. I hope it’s useful to others too. Might just play 4 at this rate (if I ever get time, might need a steam deck) 9 months ago
1 and 2 if you like oldschool isometric RPGs and New Vegas if you want them in 3D. 3 and 4 if Bethesda games are your favorite