Comment on What is the General Consensus of Web3? 9 months ago
There was this idea that instead of having the web powered by large data companies like Google and Meta you could keep all your information in the blockchain. It was an attempt to “take back control”.
However, most of the proponents kinda forgot that the web is already decentralized and only portions are controlled by Meta and Google.
Then, of course, we had the grifters come in.
The whole thing was built on a misunderstanding of how the web actually works. 9 months ago 9 months ago
I think most proponents/engineers got distracted by number go up and forgot about the decentralization of the Web part. The little bits that are good about it just can’t seem to figure out the UX problem. 9 months ago
I think the creators of web3 did understand how the web works, but wanted to change it and sold the change by gaslighting people about how web3 actually works. 9 months ago