That’s what I do
Get my Music from different sources (most streaming services can be downloaded from) and then tag them with MusicBrainz Picard. Sorts them neatly, gives them mostly way more metadata than any other streaming service and sometimes I tag them by myself
Currently using Symphony on android because it supports user defined artist metadata seperators (really wish more music apps would have that feature)
On PC I’m using mpc and controll it mostly via cli 9 months ago
It’s not easy, fast, or free, but it is worth it. I currently still have a Spotify account, but I’m weaning myself off. I’ve been going the Bandcamp + jellyfin route. Buy an album a month (about the price of monthly streaming) and add it to my personal library. Next month, check what I’ve been listening to most on Spotify and buy that. It’s twice as expensive (for now) but I’m supporting artists more directly and have an exit strategy for Spotify. Curious about other’s approaches! 9 months ago
That’s great! Not sure where you live (because shipping), but a lot of artists (I listen to) have limited physical releases on Bandcamp. Sometimes it’s worth the extra few bucks. My digital collection is bigger tho.
So I actually do spend more on musicians than only streaming services CEO people. There is of course the ecological aspect of the production of the physical releases, but I don’t drive nor eat meat. I’d buy their stuff at a concert too.
I use Slsk for my other needs.