You forget the nsa, interpol. I rememberback in thr 90s there was a blurb about hackers sniffing packets and using that data to hack those systems. Gotta remember back then everyone had more open ports than shanghai
I mean yeah, maybe? Are you one of the people that believes aes or ecc has a backdoor? I think we’d know by now, and I’m certain they don’t have the compute to break aes256. 8 months ago
Well not exactly. They might be reading the metadata of your lower level packages.
Unless you’re not using encryption, then wth are you even doing? 8 months ago
You forget the nsa, interpol. I rememberback in thr 90s there was a blurb about hackers sniffing packets and using that data to hack those systems. Gotta remember back then everyone had more open ports than shanghai 8 months ago
I mean yeah, maybe? Are you one of the people that believes aes or ecc has a backdoor? I think we’d know by now, and I’m certain they don’t have the compute to break aes256. 8 months ago
Keep believing that. Just because all those ports are closed to you and me is no guaratee that theyre not being keyed for them