It is beyond fucking ridiculous that after sending hundreds of billions of dollars in military equipment to a backwards colony of neo-nazis with the explicit purpose of attacking Russia, to claim that they are acting independently, and that there is no link to NATO.
I didn’t claim there is no link to NATO. NATO is fighting a proxy war against Russian interests in Ukraine, that’s plain as day, just as China, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea are fighting against NATO interests. I just don’t see that NATO ever threatened military action against nations supplying the Russian side. Do NATO countries fire off weekly nuclear threats against Pakistan, Iran, China or North Korea for sending munitions to Russia? Does Ukraine?
colony of neo-nazis
Yes, there are far-right elements in Ukraine, yes, some are even in the government. That doesn’t make the entire nation of Ukraine a “colony of neo-nazis” any more than the Nazbol party existing, or Dugin having had such a cushy place in Russia means Russia is ruled by Nazis.
If not for nato, the war would have been over in less than a month
I thought the party line was three days? Or is that too fantastical a claim nowadays.
and none of the infrastructure damage in the subsequent two years would have happened, to talk nothing of how the most fertile farmland in Europe is now contaminated thoroughly with landmines, heavy metals, and unexploded bombs.
Overwhelmingly RUSSIAN landmines, heavy metals from RUSSIAN military machinery, and unexploded RUSSIAN bombs. And the Russians are even proud of having dropped and continuing to drop most of it. You are presenting a false dichotomy. Russia was not obligated to murder all those people, Russia was not obligated to flatten Mariupol, Russia is not obligated to invade Ukraine. Ukraine is obligated to defend itself. Russia has a choice to stop this war, Ukraine does not. Not if it still wants to exist after.
Sure, if all Ukrainians would just shoot themselves in the head, this war would be over sooo much faster. Why can’t they just die already?
A scenario that would 500% result in the use of nuclear weapons is not proportionate retaliation ya dingus.
It is. If Ukraine retaliated in a proportionate way against Russia, Russia would escalate the conflict. The use of nuclear weapons is an escalation, the threat of nuclear weapons is an escalation, sieging the opponent’s capital after your capital was sieged is the same action returned. If the Ukrainians did to Russia what Russia did to Ukraine, there would already have been a nuclear exchange.
By the way, you like to act as if Russia’s escalations and threats are just elements of nature. If Russia, a nuclear power feels threatened, it will use nuclear weapons, that’s just the way of things. But if France, a nuclear power, has people carrying small arms into battle against invading soldiers, that’s an irresponsible escalation. The threat of shooting a FAMAS at a Russian conscript is an escalation, the threat of shooting an ICBM at Rotterdam is just the way of things.
NATO has a duty to avoid escalating the war, can’t have soldiers in Ukraine, can’t send weapons to Ukraine, because that is an escalation. Russia doing all that isn’t. Please stop the double standard, Russian has as much duty of being human as the rest of us. It’s not a force of nature, it’s people doing despicable things.
Were you cheering on the incursion of Saudi forces into Bahrain in 2011?
I wasn’t aware France would be sending soldiers to help Ukraine violently quell a sectarian protest and uprising of Ukrainian people. My impression is that if they send French soldiers in there, it’s to shoot invading Russian soldiers. I get that Russians don’t always get the difference due to the times they sent soldiers to countries to quell popular (mostly communist by the way) revolutions and install puppets to serve Russian imperialistic goals, but the secret is that if you are in a foreign country, shooting civilians is usually not a good reason to be there.
NATO has absolutely nothing to do with this conflict
Never said that. It’s obvious NATO has a vested interest in Ukraine winning the conflict. It’s just NATO is not a direct belligerent in the conflict, just as China, Iran, North Korea or Pakistan aren’t. Otherwise, there would be an arctic front to it, with Russians in Alaska or US troops in Vladivostok. 9 months ago
Go back to your Tankie safe space.