Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money [bot] ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Warm coats, swimming costumes, sleepsuits, sandals – all can be borrowed for a monthly subscription from any number of services such as Bundlee, Lullaloop and thelittleloop, amongst others.

Clothes rental for children is one of the latest chapters in how “libraries of things” are becoming an increasingly common way to save money, space and waste.

“In summer we see a lot more garden items being used: strimmers, hedge trimmers, lawn mowers, tents for adventuring, ice cream makers and gazebos for barbecues,” says Trevalyan.

“Our data shows we’re increasingly opting to shop second-hand, or rent items for a short period of time, rather than buying outright.

Not that I would have ever spent that much - the clothes I borrow from brands such as Bobo Choses and Tinycottons are much pricier than I’d ever be able to justify, which is part of the service’s appeal.

Meanwhile, companies such as Baboodle let you hire bulky equipment - for example, travel cots, bouncers, buggies and high chairs - so that after a few months of use, you won’t need to buy a semi-detached home with a garage to store it all.

The original article contains 873 words, the summary contains 188 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!
