Comment on Image upload error?

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

Got it.

Your PNG contains extra data after the PNG’s IEND marker which pict-rs probably errors on.
Your images aren’t stored as-is, among other things, their metadata is stripped so people don’t unwittingly share their geolocation, etc.
It rewrites the file in the process, but in this case doesn’t know what to do with the non png compliant data appended at the end.

Here’s a fixed version of your image that uploads fine.


Using pngcheck -vf on the original image will give you the starting hex offset (0x10fc31) of that invalid chunk of data, which can then be browsed with whatever hex editor.
I haven’t investigated that extra data much.
It might be part of a ‘capture the flag’ game, or not.

The fixed image is just the first bytes of the file upto that invalid extra chunk.
