Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 9 months agoOh, you wanted that, too? Shoot, I’ll save you some trouble:
- These three below are the academic powerhouses of conservatism. The Heritage Foundation (and their news arm, The Daily Signal) are your standard rage-bait, but they still put out influential stuff)
- Heritage Foundation (Project 2025 folks)
- Cato Institute—Actually more Libertarian, and has praised Biden before, but generally sides with conservatives
- American Enterprise Institute
- Family Research Council—They hate abortion and everything to do with it. The Washington Stand is their news arm.
- Alliance Defense Fund—Current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, used to work for these ghouls as a lawyer.
That’s all I got off the top of my head. I used to have RSS feeds of all of these organizations, but reading their headlines was infuriating. It was like a shot of hate every time they popped up. So, if I’m looking for arguments, I know where to go, otherwise, out of sight out of mind. 9 months ago
Thanks! Yes, I see how this might be infuriating Took a glance over Project 2025, it’s not just wrong and dystopian, it’s literally self-contradictory, sometimes in the same paragraphs.
Like when they say that free competition generally reduces costs of healthcare, but then the literal next paragraph saying government should allow prices to soar to “foster innovation” - like, make up your mind! And then proceeding to say that insurance ends up in a lot of “unnecessary” appointments and that healthcare should be everyone’s own financial responsibility.
And a lot of similar examples of self-contradictory and dystopian stuff carefully covered in positive wording.