Reading OP, i thought the same. The problem seems to be a sorting issue they have with the algorithm. Quit the reliance on that, rely instead on curated song lists and OP might have a happier time whatever new service they end up with.
Comment on Recommend me a music streaming service? 10 months ago
You won’t find what you are looking for using streaming business models. Just go back to buying your music instead of renting it. They can’t change the price, they can’t remove your favourite stuff, you can listen anywhere, and you locked into an algorithm feeding you stuff the highest bidder wants pushed.
Try bandcamp 10 months ago 10 months ago
I like this scene from the film ‘Vengeance’ about music streaming algorithms, especially the line “you’re not hearing other peoples voices - you’re just hearing your voice get played back at you”. 10 months ago
Yeah, wow. Exactly. I hadn’t heard about this movie before. But yeah, hits the same point i’s making! With better looking delivery! 10 months ago
Buying music directly (or through something like Bandcamp) also better supports the artists who created it. I would rather put my money into a new album every month or two than spend it on a streaming subscription. 10 months ago
The problem is that I wouldn’t have discovered most of the artists I like without streaming services. I go to concerts and buy merch instead.