10 months ago
People love to hate Rowling, but her descriptions of magic are very perceptive as predictions of computing.
Like in this case. Both Skeeter with her magic quill (LLM as it is) and the spell-checking quills (I think Ron liked that he could write much faster with those at first, so either he’s as smart as a neanderthal, or they “improve” not only orthography).
And Snape’s invented spells and how he doesn’t really like their popularity remind me of script-kiddies.
I think I’ve read a fanfic where Hogwarts was converted into some kind of a “school for hackers” (in that early 00s spirit, think Lara Croft and Spy Kids movies). The universe was generally the same, only magic was replaced with that. 10 months ago
… What? 10 months ago
What what?
I really don’t get people who express their inability to understand something without a specific question. As if being dumb were something to be proud of. 10 months ago
This thread is about predictive typing and your post was so barely tangentially related as to be a non-sequitur. So again I ask: What? 10 months ago
Which is your opinion, not accompanied with anything to help me care. Again, if a certain connection or association is real, but still feels out of place for you, then the problem is likely with yourself and doesn’t concern me.