Comment on China’s EV and Solar Exports Are Powering Ahead as Prices Slide ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Is anyone else actually worried? Revenue is actually down.

For years there has been insatiable demand for solar panels. The more the price decreases the more demand increases. Classic capitalism.

The growth has been exponential but is this beginning to show signs of slowing?

The problem is largely the grid is fucked, I guess everywhere but Texas and no one can get anything hooked up. Large solar plants are the superior option to local, and this is going to suppress demand. I guess the hope is prices drop so much that market inefficiency is overcome and people put panels on their houses.

Then the government can get fucked and actually fix the grid before the whole system comes crashing down. That or they will just outright ban solar connection to the grid which will really fuck everything. Either way is going to be unpopular for them so maybe they will care less about the NIMBY folks and just get shit done.
