I don’t know, I’ve used Gboard for so long I don’t notice if it’s good or bad. I swipe and it almost always works first time, if not it’s got the word suggested.
If it gets stuck, I start typing the keys and it usually suggests what I want. Same if I get stuck.
Sometimes I use speech to text, which works about the same and often better. If I could master punctuation with it, I would use it all the time.
When I type on a full size keyboard, it’s shit and takes forever. The speed on mobile is one of the main reasons I try not to use anything else. I can type at about the same rate as I can think of what I want to say. Tapping my fingers, I would have forgotten what I wanted to say before I could finish typing it.
I’m really just typing now for fun and to see how many words I can get into a comment before it becomes dull.
But then again, I never was very good at typing. Maybe that’s why it’s so much faster for me with a virtual keyboard.
foggenbooty@lemmy.world 10 months ago
I’d never once considered a phone being faster. I always see typing on my phone as a pain, an I’m no great touch typist by an means (around 80wpm).
How fast do you type on a standard keyboard, for comparison? I’m curious if you like the phone better because you’re not very fast with a regular keyboard, or if I’m just bad with my phone.
ianovic69@feddit.uk 10 months ago
At the time when I was using computers and keyboards at work, and even played Typing of the Dead occasionally, I would probably have struggled to get anywhere near 40wpm.
So not fast at all, but also not slow on mobile. I wonder if there’s a test?