Comment on Surprised no one has noticed yet 10 months agoOr, and I know this sounds crazy so bear with me, TikTok has almost 200 million US users and it’s owned by a hostile authoritarian regime seeking to dismantle any vestige of democracy around the globe.
Just spitballing here. 10 months ago
Oh shit was it Byte dance that spread RW propaganda and radicalized a generation of young men in support of one political candidate?
Oh no that was Meta (fb at the time).
How about a company disproportionately allowing one specific sub to violate content and user policies for months, years before acting, effectively allowing Russian propaganda bots to build a grassroots movement from what strated as a parody sub? (r/thedonald, Reddit).
Google has done the same thing via YT, effectively driving specific demographics to right wing conspiracy 🥜 job. At the same time they suppress leftist viewpoints and availability if leftist content.
Big tech wants RW fascism in the US.