How are crashlytics and firebase analytics profiting off of users? I cannot imagine not including those in an app you’re actually hoping to improve.
Comment on Promoted on TikTok, ‘No Thanks’ boycott app targets products tied to Israel 10 months agoLooks like it has Google AdMob, CrashLytics, and Firebase Analytics trackers…as well as FB Share according to Exodus. While I totally support the cause, this app is definitely tracking/profiting off of it’s users behind the scenes. 10 months ago 10 months ago
There are other privacy-respecting trackers that could be used for app improvement. At the end of the day, Google profits from the data collected here, and Lemmy has a big community of users looking to avoid this. Tangentially, Google also has massive contracts with the Israeli military that have recently come under fire in the news…just another reason to use different app-improvement trackers if the goal is to truly boycott/divest, etc. 10 months ago
Sure, but is it open source? 10 months ago
He doesn’t know but still wanted to feel useful. 10 months ago
Day old account with tonnes of down votes and attacking people just trying to help…you are very clearly a troll. Also, I must be a guy since I’m commenting about tech? 🙄 10 months ago
I’m guessing you have no idea what those technologies do.
Google Admob is literally for serving ads.
Crashlytics is for monitoring crashes.
Firebase analytics is for monitoring firebase usage, which is required for things like push notifications when using firebase.
Try uploading an app to the Google Play store yourself before you spread FUD on matters you know nothing about. 10 months ago
I pointed out the trackers that are included in this app for full transparency…not everyone likes having Google and Facebook on their phone. The inclusion of these trackers also hint that the app isn’t open source, which was the initial question. I’m not sure any of this called for such an inflammatory response…