As written it’s an amazingly impressive claim, but it’s absolutely wrong as I understood it.
It sounds like it’d be much more accurate to say she invented FHSS a foundational technology used in x,y,z
Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months agoAs written it’s an amazingly impressive claim, but it’s absolutely wrong as I understood it.
It sounds like it’d be much more accurate to say she invented FHSS a foundational technology used in x,y,z 10 months ago
It was hardly ever used in WiFi. Two modulation schemes were available in the original WiFi spec, FHSS and DSSS. DSSS was always preferred over FHSS and in practice FHSS was hardly used and eventually obsoleted a decade ago. It was never “the basis” of WiFi as claimed in the meme - that’s simply incorrect. 10 months ago
fair, rescinded.
you did put a false quote in your top comment tho. thats my main issue: “invented wifi” was nowhere in the original post. that’s a straw position you constructed yourself then took down easily because obviously it’s not true. 10 months ago
Fair enough. I’ll fix that.