Here’s the trick (maybe): “Don’t you know that WhatsApp is owned by Meta and collecting information on your chat metadata (who you chat to, when, your contacts, their contacts).”
Tell them to get Signal. If there’s any country on this planet where convincing people to use Signal is easier, it must be Germany. GMaps streetview was banned there until recently, everyone uses fake names on Facebook, if they even made one in the first place.
Surely they must be amenable to Signal 10 months ago
I’ve had basically the same conversation with my sister who lives in Albania. I just want to use something encrypted like signal but she just refuses and says it’s either WhatsApp or Facebook messenger. Cause of that I barely talk to her. 10 months ago
WhatsApp is e2e encrypted. It uses the same tech as Signal. 10 months ago
No one knows for sure, since WhatsApp is proprietary 10 months ago
So are Signal’s serverside components. 10 months ago
The owner is a problem though. 10 months ago
bring fediverse flags to Eurovision then.