lets them cheat
I’ve said in the past that I think that the long run is gonna be two paths for games to take:
Esports. Here, you don’t just want another human as a convenient opponent to make the game fun. You have trusted hardware, and you lock it down to give a relatively-level playing field. Consoles are closer to this than computers. XBox has whitelisted controllers and authentication these days.
Make better game AI as an opponent and make the game single-player. I think that a lot of games are gonna go this route. I mean, multiplayer competitive games are there in large part because we aren’t good at doing good game AI and humans can stand in for that to some degree. But there are a whole host of problems with multiplayer competitive games, and it’s fundamental to the genre. You can’t just pause to deal with real life, like a kid or a phone call (well, not with games with any great number of players, and it’s obnoxious even when there are only a few). Cheating is an issue. Someone has to lose half the time on average, and that’s probably not optimal from a player enjoyment standpoint. Humans don’t necessarily all want to stay in-character. Griefing is a thing. Games have to be online. There is some level of pay-to-win in terms of better network connection or computing hardware, and to the extent that there isn’t, you have to restrict players from using what they want. You need a sufficient number of players in your playerbase, and if you don’t get it, your game fails. When your game – inevitably – loses enough players from its playerbase, it no longer is really playable as a game. Setting difficulty is inevitably imperfect, has to rely on what you can do with matchmaking. Optimal play may not be what’s optimally fun for other players, one gets things like camping a spawn point, so you’re always having to structure the game world around linking the two. People who lose may not deal well with it, get upset with other people. I mean, the list goes on. I think that the end game here is making better game AI that’s cheaper to include in a game and requires less expertise to do so. Maybe making generic “AI” engines the way we have graphics or physics engines. Shifting away from multiplayer competitive games towards single-player games with better game AI.
yamanii@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Yep, there are cheating monitors too and you will never know if other people have it: