Comment on How do you know if you have a Habit? 10 months agoEvery day I get closer to booking an appointment with a dr to discuss ADHD and Autism, for years people around me and in professional worlds have said I exhibit lots of the symptoms.
Then I Rea’s things like this and think maybe I really do.
Although I’ve made it to 30 without a problem I think. 10 months ago
I sought a diagnosis because I wasn’t able to function in daily life. I genuinely believe that I would have become homeless because of my inability to get and keep a job. I was really struggling, and getting diagnosed and treated for it has changed my life in fundamental ways. It allowed me to access supports that were otherwise unavailable to me.
I still have problems with executive dysfunction and memory and those sorts of things, but I can actually function and have a life now.
In saying that, you don’t have to have problems of that severity to justify seeking a diagnosis. If you think you might have ADHD and you think you might benefit from treatment, I encourage you to explore your options. It might end up changing your life for the better even if you think you’ve done alright for yourself so far.
It can be rather expensive though. Whether you think it is worth the cost will be up to you. I spent around 10% of my savings at the time to get diagnosed, and I am so glad that I did. 10 months ago
My biggest problem in life is anything outside work. Going to the shops, Drs appointments, cleaning etc all insurmountable chores. They’re not even that big. Which drives me mad.
Along with the stupid amounts of money I spend hobby hopping.
I used to work away on a mine site for one month then get one week off and that was a simple life, routine and work. Now I live in town work a regularish job life has become hard. 10 months ago
That sounds incredibly frustrating. It’s like suffering twice; once because you don’t get the benefits of having the thing done, and again because you start beating yourself up for not being able to do the thing.
I feel very lucky that I had a close friend who was willing to do all the admin work to help me get diagnosed. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it all by myself. 10 months ago
Yeah this reminds me I need to send an email to cancel a gym membership from my old gym. Save myself 20 dollars a week. Just need to send an email. I’m doing it right now