Comment on Used NetApp 6TB SAS for 38€??? 10 months ago
NetApp makes storage devices, just like Dell’s DataDomain.
Looks like the add is referring to a ST6000NM0034, a drive from Seagate. Personally, I like to stay away from that brand as far as possible.
Have had good experiences with WD. 10 months ago
It’s funny how it is the exact opposite for me.
All my WD drives died, while all my Seagate drives are in perfect working order.
Bought 2 WD hdds new, used them for 5 years in RAID for regular backups, one died, the other got very slow with tons of smart errors.
Bought 2 Seagate hdds new, same usecase, have been running for over 5 years now.
Personal anecdotes are not a reliable factor for manufacturer quality.
To quote some statistics: