That’d at least be something. But republicans in my state actually are cartoonishly evil and that part is staying in so one senator can justify abusing some kids.
Comment on Louisiana lawmakers vote to remove lunch breaks for child workers, cut unemployment benefits 10 months ago
So anyway, I just want to check and see if anyone else noticed what’s going on here: to the extent that the comments are about specific policy (as opposed to generalized outrage at how cartoonishly evil the Republicans are), they’re about the “cutting lunch breaks for child workers” part.
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if that part was added mostly as a distraction to make it easier to push the unemployment benefit and workers comp cuts through (e.g. by offering to ditch the lunch breaks part while keeping the other stuff and pretending it’s some kind of fair compromise, when what really should’ve happened is binning all of it). 10 months ago 10 months ago
It’s just some greedy asshole who wants those 14 year olds to works a little harder and a little cheaper. Breaks cost money.
Next time read the article. 10 months ago
The bit about worker’s compensation is in the article.