Comment on There's a baby drought in Australia. Maybe we should fund IVF? 10 months ago
The media: the world is going to end, covid, expensive housing, war, climate change, death, destruction, doom.
Also the media: Australians are having fewer kids, mystery deepens. 10 months ago
Honestly, I doubt any of these apart from expensive housing is playing a significant role. I haven’t seen any reliable data on it, but I suspect a vanishingly small number of people genuinely choose not to have kids “because I don’t want to bring kids into this terrible world”. The cost of living thing though? That’s something that affects the parents and their ability to feel like they even can raise a child right now. 10 months ago
I’m literally one of those people who you say is vanishingly small. 10 months ago
@zik @Zagorath me too, so is my husband, and another married couple we are close friends with. So that's five of us at least. 10 months ago
Had a vasectomy about 30 years becase their are too many people on the planet. That was the case then, now it’s fucking ridiculous.
One of the reasons we increasingly have a “terrible world” is too many people.
I’d suggest tax laws to discourage people having children.
Can always adopt if you feel the need, the world seems awash with unwanted kids who already exist…