Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 10 months agoWhat plug-ins have you installed? Do any of them make you feel like you’re having an experience that you couldn’t replicate in minecraft?
Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 10 months agoWhat plug-ins have you installed? Do any of them make you feel like you’re having an experience that you couldn’t replicate in minecraft? 10 months ago
I have about 30 plugins installed.
I started by adding everything by TenPlus1, on the assumption that anyone working that hard, to make that many mods, was probably making good mods. (This turned out to be a good assumption.)
Oh yes.
Mods like ‘More Trees’ and ‘Famring Redo’ provide a much deeper farming experience.
‘Pipeworks’ adds the inventory sorting engine that I always wanted in Minecraft, but with much simpler recipes.
‘Realistic HanghGlider’ replicates Elitra and Rockets, but it’s just craftable - no extra-dimensional scarcity. Which happens to fit my play style.
And most notably, the default 3x3 in-inventory crafting is such a nice quality of life feature. I’m not constantly running back to, or making another, crafting box.