Comment on All New Atlas | Boston Dynamics
No reason to act willfully obtuse.
I'm pointing out a very obvious way in which automation does indeed help benefit humans in general. We have access to sophisticated products at very low prices compared to what it would be like if all this stuff was made "by hand."
That's cool, but you're still ignoring the point I was making and interjected your own.
I'm addressing part of your point. You said:
Just like pretty much all of the other industrialized machinery that was once touted to save us time and make working irrelevant.
With the clear implication that industrialized machinery hadn't saved us time. That's not the case. 10 months ago
I'm pointing out a very obvious way in which automation does indeed help benefit humans in general. We have access to sophisticated products at very low prices compared to what it would be like if all this stuff was made "by hand." 10 months ago
That's cool, but you're still ignoring the point I was making and interjected your own. 10 months ago
I'm addressing part of your point. You said:
With the clear implication that industrialized machinery hadn't saved us time. That's not the case.