Comment on Scared the shit out of me ngl 10 months agoTwisting faces-- especially to look morbidly-depressed or horrified-- is a common tactic in horror. In fact, it works because of the uncanny valley effect-- a psychological phenomenon that exists to protect us from disease and from breeding with deformed people. And you know who’s more sensitive to uncanny valley than average? Autistic people. Like me. There’s no therapy for this because it’s neither weird nor solvable. 10 months ago
It’s weird to have that strong of a reaction. At the very least it sounds debilitating.
Wrinkly Duo just looks like an old person version of Duo to most. It’s not even uncanny valley because Duo is not even close to human like (unless you know green bird like humans in real life, but then I’m not sure they’re human).
If that scares you, so would a very wrinkly old person.
There is therapy to lower that extreme reaction you have, called desensitization therapy. You should look into it. 10 months ago
Now, some people are less sensitive/don’t often see uncanny valley as much as average, while people like me are more sensitive to it. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, or that I have a weird problem, it’s just different people are more sensitive to faces. It’s why autistic people are known for not making eye contact, yeah? With that said, it is not a debilitating problem. I live with it, I know which things I deal with that are big problems (and there are several), and this isn’t one of them.