Comment on Turn up the heat 10 months ago
Meanwhile my immune system killed my insulin producing cells and I haven’t had a fever since. I like to imagine it as a greaser with a switchblade casually leaning next to the thermostat. 10 months ago
I’m not a bright man and this is an honest question, are you a diabetic? If so that’s really interesting as my daughter is type one, I find that quite fascinating that you don’t get a fever and something for me to look out for. 10 months ago
Yes sir I’m type 1. Didn’t even get a fever when I got Covid. I usually cruise around at about 97.7 or so. Think I hit 97.9 last time I was sick. 10 months ago
Definitely something for me to watch for, I always test for ketones when I suspect my daughter is ill, I’ve actually never seen her have a fever. 97.7 wow! I remember when covid was at its worst here, we had messages from the hospital telling us to test frequently and adjust doses accordingly. 10 months ago
Nice work on the ketones testing, that’s very helpful. Being sick raises my sugar levels, and I have to keep on top of hydration. I remember hoping if I got Covid i would have 2 other obvious symptoms because they were leaning pretty hard on the fever as an indicator. I’m glad you’re taking an active role managing it! I got it when I was 17 so I kind of worked things out on my own (because I was a teenager, not because my parents wouldn’t help). 10 months ago