It’s cheap and easy for me to use it while traveling around and going on god knows what public wifi network. I am not using google VPN for privacy, but using it for some sense of security out of my home. Already paying for Google One storage, so this was a nice perk.
Comment on VPN by Google One is shutting down for good 9 months ago
Why would anyone use this shit? 9 months ago 9 months ago
[deleted] 9 months ago
@asdfasdfasdf @Copernican
It all depends if you trust the ISP less than a random VPN provider. With DNS over HTTPS and mostly encrypted traffic these days, the ISPs don't get to see more than IPs. But IPs are sometimes all they need to figure out what your browsing, especially in some countries where they can throttle your traffic depending on what you're doing. Luckily, in the EU that is illegal, so all you'd need a VPN at home for is bypassing geo-restriction and maybe hiding your Linux 9 months ago
Hehe. Yeah. I dont need my ubiiquiti dream router categorizing how many gigs of porn hub gets into my home based on IP. 9 months ago
Same reason I’d use any cheap easily accessible VPN.
To get AT&T off my back every time I pirate some anime or a new movie. 9 months ago
I don’t know about you but trusting google with that sorta thing just seems risky to me 9 months ago
I trust Google’s VPN more than I trust AT&T’s internal tracker, as Google’s never sent me an angry email complaining about my network traffic. 9 months ago
One one hand fair, on the other, why trust either?