Comment on self hosted newbie question about moCA router 9 months ago
Just to make absolutely sure: you are POSITIVE that the device you’ve been renting is a MoCA-WAN router, and NOT a cable modem?
In the US at least, most of the single-unit devices that receive a coax input are DOCSIS 3.x, not MoCA. They are combining two pieces of hardware in a single physical unit: a docsis modem and a router.
Prior to having fiber internet, when my provider was Comcast, I owned two separate devices instead of renting the single device from my ISP: a DOCSIS 3.1 modem from Arris, and a standard Ethernet router
Just want to make sure you are absolutely confident about what your ISP is actually providing before you spend money on new hardware :) 9 months ago
Yeah, 100% , had Mediacom years ago and they were migrating to docsis 3. I’d be very surprised if the lumbering slow Mediacom suddenly switched off.