You might be right. I spent a little times to gone through a few online shops, including Chinese, and couldn’t find one that I can tell it’s clearly counterfeit. Unless I bought it and Royal Mail have something for me to verify its authenticity.
Comment on UK flooded with forged stamps despite using barcodes — to prevent just that 10 months ago
Yes, but the stamps have mostly been bought from the post office, who get it from royal mail. Given how few people even bother with stamps these days, what’s more likely? An organised gang infiltrating supply chains with undetectable forgeries, or an IT malfunction that means the codes are not being registered properly in the first place? I know where my money is! 10 months ago 10 months ago
Especially with the history of the royal mail, it systems and wrongfully accusing people. 10 months ago
That’s the post office, not royal mail, but really any large company could make this fuckup